Acipenseriformes (Sturgeons) 


Amiiformes (Bowfins)

Osteoglossiformes (Bony tongues)

Albuliformes (Bonefishes)

Anguilliformes (Eels)

Elopiformes (Tarpon / Tenpounders)

Siluriformes (Catfish)

Gonorynchiformes (Milk fish)

Aulopiformes (Grinners & Lizardfish)

Gadiformes (Cod & Hake)

Holocentriformes (Soldier fish)

  • Myripristis toliapicus
  • Naupygus bucklandi
  • Paraberyx bowerbanki

Ophidiiformes (Cusk-eels)

Scombriformes (Mackerel & Tuna)

Gempylidae (Snake Mackerels)

Carangiformes (Jack Mackerels)

Istiophoriformes (Billfish)

Labriformes (Wrasses)

Perciformes (Perch-like)

Pleuronectiformes (Flatfish)

Acanthuriformes (Luvar fish)

  • Beerichthys ingens
  • Beerichthys sp.

Ephippiformes (Spadefishes)

Lampriformes (Opahs/Oarfish)

Spariformes (Sea Bream)

Gadiformes (Cod & Hake)

Scientific Classification

Class:               Actinopterygii (Ray-finned Fish)

Superorder:    Paracanthopterygii

Order:              Gadiformes (Cod & Hake)

Gadiformes are a diverse order of ray-finned fish including many modern fish which are the targets of commercial fishing including Cod, Hake, Pollock and Haddock. Although the origins of the Gadiformes can be tracked back to the Late Cretaceous, it was the Eocene which saw a much greater explosion in diversity.

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